Favorite School Subject

As you probably know, I (Andi Carter) do not care much for going to school. I’d rather be out riding Taffy on the Circle C’s thousands of acres or (after I’m married) never have to think of school again. However, when asked what my favorite school subject is, I have to say . . . arithmetic and higher math. Arithmetic is mighty handy when Chad takes me to a livestock auction. I can add up everything he’s bid on faster than he can. And once Riley and I were married, boy howdy! I can figure sums faster than he can too. I do like numbers.

What is your favorite school subject (past, if you’re a grownup) or present (if you are a student this year). Leave a comment to share you favorite subject and why it is your favorite.

113 thoughts on “Favorite School Subject

  1. My favorite class in school is history, as the Sonlight curriculum has a lot of books to read while we do history. In fact, we mostly learn history through reading stories about the time periods and places we’re studying. That has taught me a lot of empathy for others and given me a ton of curiosity about what the people were like “back then.”

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  2. Hmm…. I like reading because you can just relax. Writing because it gives me something to to and you can let ur mind go in so many different directions. History because it is His Story and it’s so neat to learn about the past.


  3. I’ve always liked Science. Also creative writing and literature mostly because they had to do with reading and writing both of which I enjoy! (I’m homeschooled and I was able to convince my mom to let the Andi books be part of my lit class which was totally awesome!!)

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  4. My favorite subject is Zoology or US History. I’m also taking a history class all about horses!! It’s really fun! Next year I’m gonna take a animal science class!


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